Today’s topic: Condo vs. Coop.
Relaxing is my living hell. The only yoga I’ve found remotely enticing is Rage Yoga and I have two modes: moving around as much and as quickly as possible and completely out cold, dead asleep. My spirit animal is a fainting goat. The positive side of this is that I genuinely enjoy work but sometimes I get seemingly simple yet deceivingly dense real estate questions fired at me at somewhat inconvenient times. Signing up for this career, I was warned it was a 24-7 job and since I have the energy of entire pack of 6 year olds at a Chuckie Cheese Birthday Party after cake time it didn’t phase me. So periodically, I’m going to pick my favorite question I’ve been asked in the middle of working out, at 2am, over text, or when I’ve been hangry and answer it in the quiet and calm bubble of sweatpants, scrambled eggs, and the soothing beats of early 2000s R&B.